1.11 Common Fame is a Common Isekandar

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1.11 Common Fame is a Common Isekandar
Common Fame is a Common Isekandar
Kana 聞いて極楽、イセカンダル
Romaji Kiite Gokuraku, Isekandaru
English Common Fame is a Common Isekandar
Episode # RobiHachi Season One Episode 11
First Aired June 17, 2019
Screenplay Katsuhiko Chiba
Storyboard Nanako Shimazaki
Director Nanako Shimazaki
Chief Animation Director Tomoko Miyakawa
Animation Director Sou Katou
Assistant Animation Director
Location(s) Space
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Robby, Hatchi and Ikku have arrived at Isekandar, the final destination of their trip down the Galaxy Highway. However, it seems that those visiting Isekandar must follow various procedures. They decide to stay at an inn for the night and go to pray in the temple in the morning.
Before that, they take a stroll on the street that approaches the temple – both sides are densely packed with rest areas, restaurants, souvenir shops, inns... Apart from worshippers, there are also many vendors and the place is quite lively.
Robby and his friend enjoy their trip to Isekandar, where they find blessings, draw fortunes and taste local food as they go, but Hatchi seems to be acting a little different than usual...


Nagaya Voyager about to clear the checkpoint.


The episode opens with a sequence presenting Isekandar’s landscape before showing a recap of the end of the previous episode – Nagaya Voyager being allowed to pass the checkpoint.

Isekandar as seen from space.

As Nagaya Voyager approaches Isekandar, Robby, Hatchi and Ikku realise what they thought to be planetary rings are just projected advertisements.


Landing area[edit]

Robby and Hatchi immediately after landing on Isekandar.

After landing, Hatchi finds out there are special conventions to be followed if one wants to visit the Isekandar Temple and that the approach path can be taken only early in the morning, which means they have to spend the night somewhere first. Ikku’s demand that they sleep on Nagaya Voyager to save money is ignored as Robby and Hatchi start browsing the local inns together.

Okage Street[edit]

Ikku protesting against spending money.

First, the group visits the Okage Street, which is booming with people. Robby and Hatchi are both excited about the local specialties, all while Ikku tries to stop them from spending money before they can change their luck. Before he realises it, they are gone to draw their fortunes. The group then takes a photo with two Isekangaroos.
Farther down the Okage Street Robby decides to visit the New Isefuku club, which officially offers evil spirits purification but in reality is just a cabaret club. Hatchi instead decides to go try the local manju [1] buns – much to his disappointment, they taste bad. After Robby picks him up from the food spot, they both witness the sacred bird Akafu jack flying over the town.


Because it’s gotten late, they decide to sleep in Oharaitown, again ignoring Ikku’s scepticism. Later, at the inn they stopped in, Hatchi revisits some memories from their travel until now.

Isekandar Temple on Mount Akafuji[edit]

In the morning, the group sets out to the temple. After some time they manage to reach the summit and enter the Isekandar Temple – due to the number of visitors, the admissions are only in counted groups of people not to overcrowd the interior. Inside the temple, there is the sacred giant Akafucrystal. It shines its light after the temple priestess Spacia blesses the visitors. However, shortly afterwards the people are ushered to go on to the area where they can make their offerings.
Robby offers 10,000 mons and receives an Akafucrystal. He exclaims now his luck will surely change, with Hatchi cheering on him too. But then Robby remembers the Akafucrystals were supposed to come in a special bag – upon asking, he learns the promotion ended yesterday, which is unfortunate, as the benefits don’t take hold without the bag. Luckily, the bags are available for separate purchase outside of the temple. Hatchi notices real Isekangaroos nearby and approaches them with interest – then he notices they seem to have special patches on their abdomens and starts to suspect what the “natural material” for the special bag is, in reality. Just after that, the group witnesses two miracles happening in sequence – an older man exclaims he is able to walk again, a young man discovers a rare metal ore deposit.
Robby decides to buy a bag for his Akafucrystal and learns it’s in the small size – next to him, a visibly wealthy couple buys a big-sized bag for a noticeably bigger Akafucrystal which they received for their generous donation of 100,000 mons. Deeply upset with this, Robby finds a giant hammer and runs towards the sacred Akafucrystal, intending to chip himself a bigger piece.
Hatchi and Ikku lament Robby’s descent to crime, but when they all take a closer look, they see he made a dent in the Akafucrystal instead of chipping off a part. Ikku examines it and concludes it’s made of some kind of polymer, while it’s supposedly natural rock. Robby decides to climb down to see for himself what this is about – Hatchi, even if he calls it trespassing, decides to join as it sounds interesting and Ikku follows them not to stay behind.

Hidden area inside Mount Akafuji[edit]

Together they find a corridor behind the Akafucrystal and discover everything is just a show conned by Dontsu Inc. – there is a machinery turning on the Akafucrystal lightning operated by Kodai and Morisugi who were sent to Isekandar after their fiasco on Pluto, analytics are monitoring the earnings from Okage Street and Oharaitown non-stop, the Akafu jack is a drone released manually to attract visitors, priestess Spacia is just an employee who is rather nasty when not in public and the miracles are performed in regular intervals by hired actors. In addition, the Akafucrystals given to visitors are mass-produced from resin by a group of chatty women.
Robby realises that what he believed in is actually fake – but then, one of the women who are making the fake Akafucrystals finds the group outside of the room. She tells them the planet has been a big tourist magnet ever since Dontsu came to Isekandar, however, there is an actual sacred Akafucrystal that local folks used to make pilgrimages to – but compared to the one displayed, it’s very small. Robby asks for directions and runs off to it, certain this time he surely will be able to change his luck.


Yang, heading to Isekandar.

Space Immigration Bureau[edit]

Meanwhile, Yang, still waiting at the station in space, checks his bank account and realises Robby’s debt has been paid in full, which means he passed the customs and there is no point in waiting for him to be detained. Yang decides to go to Isekandar immediately – much to Allo’s and Gras’s joy.


Forest nearby Mount Akafuji[edit]

Following the directions, Robby, Hatchi and Ikku find the real Akafucrystal. They all make a prayer to it (including Ikku this time) – Robby excitedly announces now he will make a fortune back on Earth with his newly acquired luck, but just after saying this he trips over a rock and falls. He decides to keep the rock as a souvenir. The group heads back down afterwards, deciding to keep their discovery to themselves – they don’t think they can win against Dontsu and their money.

Airspace over Mount Akafuji[edit]

Simultaneously, Yang’s Finance arrives to Isekandar. Allo and Gras ask if they can go sightseeing and get souvenirs, since they are already there, which prompts Yang to grab the giant false Akafucrystal with a claw mounted on his spaceship, interrupting yet another blessing show of Spacia’s. When he tries to lift off, he reveals the crystal was just a fake mounted on machinery that made it light up. The group currently in the temple realises they were cheated and bursts out in rage. Allo and Gras are upset with the discovery, while Yang moves on immediately to his main goal: capturing Robby. He flies away, with the fake crystal still hanging from his ship.

Landing area[edit]

At the landing area, Robby complains about not being able to visit a priestess café. Ikku’s claims that he will lose all the luck he gained are ineffective, but then Hatchi points to Yang’s ship approaching them and suggests evacuating as soon as possible. He laughs when he imagines what kind of a scene must be happening now at the temple, with the crowd finding out they were fooled, but his laughter stops when Robby also notices something approaching them – a fleet of ships. Hatchi explains they are coming from the Moon to get him – for he is the prince of the Moon.




In some online spaces, the episodes are available with no addition, in others: with a short animation at the beginning indicating that Funimation was the show’s original licensor. The animation lasts for 7 seconds and ends with a purple screen with “Funimation” written on it.
For checking the timestamps for used music tracks, please select the tab that reflects the presence or lack of this short intro animation.

  • [00:00] Beautiful (opening section)
  • [00:15] Suspense (at final checkpoint)
  • [00:38] Main theme (Nagaya Voyager cleared for passage)
  • [02:30] Isekandar (opening section v2, Isekandar ad plays)
  • [02:41] Wonderful land (first look at Isekandar)
  • [03:43] Visit (landed at Isekandar)
  • [04:35] Excite (at Okage Street)
  • [05:56] Beauty (New Isefuku club)
  • [06:49] Heart (Hatchi tries the Isekan manju)
  • [07:33] Conversation (Robby and Hatchi decide to look for an inn in Oharaitown)
  • [08:42] Jazzy (going to the Isekandar Shrine)
  • [09:17] Wonderful land (giant Akafucrystal is revealed, Spacia gives her blessing)
  • [10:24] Up tempo (Robby makes an offering to the shrine and receives an Akafucrystal)
  • [11:53] Love (staged miracles happen)
  • [12:27] Painful (Robby sees a rich couple with a bigger Akafucrystal)
  • [12:41] Speedy (Robby decides to get his own, bigger Akafucrystal)
  • [13:33] Miserable (Akafucrystal is dented, not chipped)
  • [14:26] Unrest (Robby, Hatchi and Ikku discover the behind-the-scenes)
  • [15:34] Funny (the group realises the truth about Isekandar)
  • [17:06] Main theme (Robby learns there is a real Akafucrystal)
  • [17:19] Yang (Yang’s Finance at Galaxy Police station)
  • [18:05] Wonderful land (at real Akafucrystal shrine)
  • [19:01] Emotion (Robby, Hatchi and Ikku head back)
  • [19:30] Yang (Yang’s Finance arrive to Isekandar and grab the giant Akafucrystal)
  • [20:55] Jazzy (Robby talks about a priestess café)
  • [21:30] Hatchi (Hatchi spots Yang’s ship, Luna Guard arrives)
  • [23:45] Emotion (next episode preview)

  • [00:07] Beautiful (opening section)
  • [00:22] Suspense (at final checkpoint)
  • [00:45] Main theme (Nagaya Voyager cleared for passage)
  • [02:37] Isekandar (opening section v2, Isekandar ad plays)
  • [02:48] Wonderful land (first look at Isekandar)
  • [03:50] Visit (landed at Isekandar)
  • [04:42] Excite (at Okage Street)
  • [06:03] Beauty (New Isefuku club)
  • [06:56] Heart (Hatchi tries the Isekan manju)
  • [07:40] Conversation (Robby and Hatchi decide to look for an inn in Oharaitown)
  • [08:49] Jazzy (going to the Isekandar Shrine)
  • [09:24] Wonderful land (giant Akafucrystal is revealed, Spacia gives her blessing)
  • [10:31] Up tempo (Robby makes an offering to the shrine and receives an Akafucrystal)
  • [12:00] Love (staged miracles happen)
  • [12:34] Painful (Robby sees a rich couple with a bigger Akafucrystal)
  • [12:48] Speedy (Robby decides to get his own, bigger Akafucrystal)
  • [13:40] Miserable (Akafucrystal is dented, not chipped)
  • [14:33] Unrest (Robby, Hatchi and Ikku discover the behind-the-scenes)
  • [15:41] Funny (the group realises the truth about Isekandar)
  • [17:13] Main theme (Robby learns there is a real Akafucrystal)
  • [17:26] Yang (Yang’s Finance at Galaxy Police station)
  • [18:12] Wonderful land (at real Akafucrystal shrine)
  • [19:08] Emotion (Robby, Hatchi and Ikku head back)
  • [19:37] Yang (Yang’s Finance arrive to Isekandar and grab the giant Akafucrystal)
  • [21:02] Jazzy (Robby talks about a priestess café)
  • [21:37] Hatchi (Hatchi spots Yang’s ship, Luna Guard arrives)
  • [23:52] Emotion (next episode preview)


Ikku: [about fortune slips] We don’t need them! Stop!

Robby: What is it?
Ikku: You’ve already drawn them!
Robby: A wonderful encounter is in store. Conduct yourself however you wish. Do not skimp on your offering. Average luck.
Hatchi: Waver not away from major ways mayonnaise. Great luck! Ah! It has a discount coupon for Isekan manju buns!
Robby: You sure are lucky.

Hatchi: Want to trade?
Spacia: I am Spacia of Isekandar, priestess of the Great Temple of Isekandar.

Robby: Priestesses are the best, huh?
Ikku: Hey, stop your drooling!
Robby: Miss priestess!
Ikku: Hey! Don’t ignore me!

Spacia: I pray for all of your good fortune. May you be profited! Exercise your faith. Make others’ joy your own joy. Do so, and good fortune will befall you in due course.
Hatchi: Robby had become a criminal!

Ikku: Robby, you may be dumb, but you were a good guy.
Robby: What is this?
Hatchi: Huh? What is that?
Ikku: Hmm… This is some kind of polymer. Polycarbonate or something.
Hatchi: It’s supposed to be natural stone.
Ikku: Who says that?
Hatchi: TripSunvisor.
Robby: Okay… [starts to climb down]
Hatchi: Robby!
Ikku: What’s the big idea?!
Robby: I’m gonna see this with my own eyes!
Ikku: What are you gonna see?!
Hatchi: First thievery, now trespassing? Though that sounds like fun, so I’m coming along.

Ikku: What the hell! First it’s a pilgrimage, now it’s spelunking?!
Robby: Just for a minute! I just want to go to the priestess café for a minute!

Ikku: The priestesses are all fake, too, you know.
Robby: That’s okay. I know all too well what kind of place this is now. I just want them to be dressed like priestesses. So can I go to the priestess café?
Ikku: You’ll lose all the good luck you’ve gained.

Robby: Just the opposite! I’m going there to test my luck!

Trivia & References[edit]

Isekandar is named after two things at once: one is the Ise Shrine, a popular pilgrimage spot during the Edo period (to which also the characters of the original Hizakurige were headed), and the other is the planet Iskandar – the final destination of Yamato during its first cruise in Space Battleship Yamato. This way, the planet’s name became Ise-kandar. In connection to the latter, it’s very likely priestess Spacia parodies Queen Starsha of Iskandar.
Following the Space Battleship Yamato reference trail, Akafucrystals are probably also a parody of two things at once: the Blue Crystals of Iskandar and akafuku mochi, Ise Shrine specialty food. The mochi even has the same shape as crystals sold on Isekandar – it symbolises the Isuzu River flowing nearby.
In turn, following the Ise Shrine trail – drawing one’s fortune is a common practice at shrines. The fortune slips are called omikuji. The Isekandar canes parody “longevity staffs” blessed and given at Ise Shrine to elders. Conventions to visiting the Isekandar Shrine come from the purification rituals people had to undergo in order to access the Ise Shrine. Robby’s waterfall meditation is one such ritual.
Mount Akafuji likely represents Mount Fuji. However, while the Isekandar Shrine sits under Mount Akafuji, the Ise Shrine is about 400 km away from Mount Fuji.
Oharaitown might be named after Oharaimachi, a tourist area near to the Ise Shrine.

Ikku: We're really staying the night? This is what you get for dragging your feet.
Hatchi: It's the custom for visitors.

Oharai itself is a ritual of purification. Hatchi saying it's a custom to stay in Oharaitown refers to the aforementioned purification rituals
Okage Street represents the Okage Yokocho street, a recreation of the path leading to the Ise Shrine. Okage mairi were mass pilgrimages to the Ise Shrine, occurring every 60 years.
New Isefuku hostesses: Cloister at the original Isefuku! Just 50 bues and 5,000 mons for the set!
Bu was a currency made of gold used in the Bakumatsu period, the last year of the Edo period (while mentioned so far mons were copper). 1 bu was equivalent to 250 mons[2].
Akafu jack resembles a phoenix. Its name can be also understood as advertising catchphrase: lucky red (akafuaka in Japanese means red, fu is lucky and jakku (惹句) is catchphrase).
Priestess café parodies maid cafés. There are, however, also actual shrine cafés – as well as “shrine” cafés that resemble maid cafés more.
Staff notes for the episode:

Opening: At last, they’ve reached Isekandar, planet of happiness. It seemed to take so long, yet was so short! But any longer than this and the studio would kick us out (aww).

Ending: Hatchi turns out to be the prince of the Moon kingdom. At long last, the Luna Guard arrive from the Moon... And Robby is cornered by Yang’s golden shachi ship. Will the journey be seen through to the end?



  1. A type of Japanese pastry. Article about manju
  2. This exact conversion factor is mentioned in the preface to the English edition of Hizakurige.