Dontsu Inc.

From Umatani Fan Wiki
Dontsu's logo on their spaceship.

Dontsu Inc. ((株)ドンツー, (Kabu) Dontsuu) is a marketing company specializing in public relations (PR) and scamming. Their actions are misleading not only to those subjected to their campaigns (as seen on the case of Isekandar, their main enterprise at the moment), but also their customers (as seen on the example of Plutonians). Dontsu has at least one private hyperroad which connects the Earth with Isekandar.
Dontsu Inc. is a parody of Dentsu Inc.,[1] a Japanese international advertising and public relations joint stock company headquartered in Tokyo. Dentsu is currently the largest advertising agency in Japan and the fifth largest advertising agency network in the world in terms of worldwide revenues.
Dontsu's name is mentioned at the end of the opening and ending animation in every episode: in the last screen, with Robby and Hatchi standing together with Isekandar in the background, and with Yang, Allo, and Gras fading into the purple smoke. The top line reads "Produced by Dontsu" and the bottom one: "©Taiga Umatani/Dontsu."


  1. Dentsu Inc.'s website: