1.10 Never Get Involved in a Buddies' Quarrel

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1.10 Never Get Involved in a Buddies' Quarrel
Never Get Involved in a Buddies' Quarrel
Kana 相棒喧嘩は犬も食わない
Romaji Badi Kenka wa Inumokuwanai
English Never Get Involved in a Buddies' Quarrel
Episode # RobiHachi Season One Episode Ten
First Aired June 10, 2019
Screenplay Hiroko Kanasugi
Storyboard Masafumi Sato
Director Masafumi Sato
Chief Animation Director Yuuko Yahiro
Animation Director Hikaru Suzuki
Assistant Animation Director
Location(s) Space
Hinaga Junction (only shown)
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At last, Robby, Hatchi and Ikku are approaching their final destination, Isekandar. However, to go there, they first need to go through a checkpoint.
Robby, who is still in debt, is on the blacklist and learns that unless this changes, he will not be able to pass the checkpoint and will instead be detained by the Space Immigration Bureau. This triggers an explosion of the pent-up frustrations of everyday life and a huge fight breaks about between Robby and Hatchi aboard of the spaceship.


Hinaga Junction as seen from space.


The episode opens with a scene of the Nagaya Voyager finishing one warp and Ikku immediately announcing another that will take them directly to Isekandar checkpoint.

Nagaya Voyager[edit]

Robby and Hatchi arguing after having learnt they cannot pass the checkpoint.

Ikku asks Robby and Hatchi to prepare for the next warp, but Robby claims there is nothing to prepare for and chooses to think of what he will do at Isekandar. Hatchi seems rather unamused with Robby’s vision of the planet. He checks once more if they should expect any issues on their way and finds out that criminals, debtors and other blacklisted individuals cannot pass through by notice of the Galaxy Police. This means that due to Robby’s debt they cannot clear the customs and puts Hatchi in a very foul mood.

Ikku trying to calm his friends down.
Robby and Hatchi continously arguing despite Ikku's attempts.

An argument erupts between them despite Ikku trying to calm them down and goes in cycles: Robby claims he’s going to pay back his debt when they reach Isekandar, to which Hatchi retorts now they can’t reach Isekandar because of this very debt, then Robby blames him for – again – not checking things beforehand, Hatchi argues it’s because Robby borrowed the money in the first place, Robby repeats he will pay it back when they reach Isekandar – and the cycle repeats. Ikku tries to stop them, but they both snarl at him and continue arguing while he backs off to lurk from behind a corner.
The quarrel proceeds to listing things Robby and Hatchi both find annoying in each other and reaches specific behaviours – all while Ikku observes from a distance, worried but afraid to interrupt. Hatchi says he can’t stand it that Robby leaves the bathroom doused in water after he showers and never cleans up the water that drips off him onto the floor, turns the bidet attachment all the way up and doesn’t put down the toilet seat. He also takes issue with the things he found in his makeshift bedroom, previously storage – Robby’s adult magazines, inflatable doll, some weird toy and multiple questionable items that seem to pop into existence every time he turns on his bed. In addition, he cannot sleep due to Robby’s loud snoring and sudden pauses in breathing in his sleep, is angry with finding water bottles he put into the fridge being drunk from, considers the pajamas he was offered tacky and doesn’t want the other’s dirty socks in his laundry.
Robby, in turn, says Hatchi takes way too long in the bathroom and uses too much toilet paper, sneezes like a cat, is a miser who doesn’t share things, cannot appreciate being given a place to sleep in and any pajamas in the first place, adds floral-smelling detergent to laundry and orders a lot of unnecessary things from Nametake, like candles. This last issue, in particular, becomes a burning problem when Robby, out of shower, interrupts Hatchi’s “healing time” before sleep by turning on the light while Hatchi was relaxing with his candles. With the mood overall sour, they start to argue even over this and Robby’s towel catches on fire. Soaked in water from sprinkles, they paint a line on the floor dividing Nagaya Voyager into two parts and walk away, both saying they don’t want to see each other nor talk ever again.

Yang, Allo and Gras eating sukiyaki on Pinopendio.


Sukiyaki restaurant[edit]

Meanwhile, Yang, Allo and Gras are calmly waiting on planet Pinopendio and enjoying sukiyaki[1] in a restaurant. Allo and Gras are a bit worried whether they really should be sitting like this, but Yang calms them – for as long as Robby is in debt, he will be taken in by the Space Immigration Bureau if only he tries to reach Isekandar.


Nagaya Voyager[edit]

On Nagaya Voyager, Hatchi sneaks into “Robby’s side” to get something to eat from the fridge – he is, however, forced to retreat before actually obtaining food, as Robby enters the kitchen himself and takes the treat Hatchi had his eyes on. In revenge, he sets up a trap that goes off the moment Robby crosses the line on his end to recover a lost slipper. Their subsequent encounters include being forced to interact in the bathroom and complaining about instant noodles splashing over the line (definitely done on purpose). Eventually Robby builds a wall from Nametake carton boxes so they both don’t have to look at each other.
As time passes by, Ikku – increasingly annoyed with the situation – notices that Robby still instinctively calls out to Hatchi – despite claiming never to talk to him ever again – and Hatchi is still wearing the pajamas he borrowed. The latter, however, only prompts Hatchi to take it off and throw it above the wall. Soon, he regrets this after he remembers when he was first given the clothing and tries to recover it, but unfortunately bumps into Robby and has to retreat back to his side again.
Later during the day Robby, sitting by the carton wall and looking at the abandoned pajamas, realises Hatchi never ordered himself another set of pajamas despite all the online shopping he did even though he complained so much. On the other side of the wall, Hatchi is sitting similarly close and looking at a single octopus-shaped candle – one that he received from Robby, who got it from the Tourism Bureau chief on Mars.

Yang’s ship[edit]

At the same time, Yang’s crew left Pinopendio after enjoying some local sightseeing and taking photos. Now, they are heading towards the checkpoint.

Nagaya Voyager[edit]

Similarly, Ikku also enters warp which causes Nagaya Voyager to jolt and makes Hatchi’s octopus candle fall into the carton wall which immediately catches fire. This time, the sprinklers don’t work because Robby turned them off, not wanting to get soaked again, and Robby tries to put out the fire using the abandoned pajamas. However, he is stopped by Hatchi who claims these are his favourite pajamas. The fire is eventually put out by Ikku thanks to his built-in extinguisher. This incident managed to clear the air – Robby returns the pajamas and the two make up, jokingly saying all will be fine as long as they cut down on their bad habits.
A bit later, in Nagaya Voyager’s cockpit, Ikku and Robby are discussing what to do next, as Robby is still on the blacklist and won’t be allowed to pass. He tells Hatchi to go on forward himself, but when he turns, the other man is not there. Instead, Hatchi is alone in his room and pays off the full debt. Afterwards, he returns to the other two and says that since he’s had so many unexpected things happen to him recently, perhaps one more will occur and they will be let through the checkpoint. Nagaya Voyager heads towards the checkpoint like nothing. Robby is ready to go for broke and try to force their way through, but much to his surprise after he sends his passport code, they are cleared for passage and can finally arrive at Isekandar. Hatchi, despite pretending to be happy, is visibly worried by something, but Robby in his excitement fails to notice this.

Space Immigration Bureau[edit]

Meanwhile, Yang patiently waits at the checkpoint.

Undisclosed location in space[edit]

At the same time, a fleet of spaceships with Luna Guard on board heads at full speed towards Isekandar, having discovered Hatchi’s location through his smartbracelet payment history.




In some online spaces, the episodes are available with no addition, in others: with a short animation at the beginning indicating that Funimation was the show’s original licensor. The animation lasts for 7 seconds and ends with a purple screen with “Funimation” written on it.
For checking the timestamps for used music tracks, please select the tab that reflects the presence or lack of this short intro animation.

  • [01:30] Isekandar (opening section)
  • [01:40] Galaxy space (map of Galaxy Highway and Isekandar Highway)
  • [02:09] Heart (talking about no further problems with travelling to Isekandar)
  • [03:39] Hatchi (Robby and Hatchi arguing over whose fault their situation is)
  • [05:11] Conversation (going through things that they both find annoying – bathroom, toilet)
  • [06:41] Comedy (going through things that they both find annoying – bedroom, noise)
  • [07:55] Melancholy (going through things that they both find annoying – noise (continued), refrigerator, pajamas, laundry, online shopping, lighting)
  • [09:51] Crisis (Robby’s towel catches on fire)
  • [10:15] Unrest (Robby and Hatchi paint a separating line on the floor)
  • [10:54] Yang (Yang and his crew enjoy sukiyaki on Pinopendio)
  • [11:56] Miserable (Hatchi sneaks into the kitchen)
  • [12:32] Funny (cold war continues)
  • [13:47] Allo & Gras (Yang’s crew decides to go sightseeing)
  • [14:21] Freedom (Hatchi remembers how he got his pajamas)
  • [15:10] Emotion (Robby and Hatchi both sit on two sides of the wall)
  • [16:16] Allo & Gras (Yang’s Finance leaves Pinopendio)
  • [16:58] Hard fight (warp causes Hatchi’s candle to fall down and the wall catches on fire)
  • [18:09] Emotion (Robby returns Hatchi his pajamas)
  • [19:37] Freedom (Hatchi talks how he believes another unexpected event may happen)
  • [20:14] Suspense (at final checkpoint)
  • [20:40] Main theme (Nagaya Voyager cleared for passage)
  • [21:06] Yang (Yang waits at the Galaxy Police station, Luna Guard discovers Hatchi’s location)
  • [21:57] Wonderful land (first look at Isekandar)
  • [23:45] Main theme (next episode preview)

  • [01:37] Isekandar (opening section)
  • [01:47] Galaxy space (map of Galaxy Highway and Isekandar Highway)
  • [02:16] Heart (talking about no further problems with travelling to Isekandar)
  • [03:46] Hatchi (Robby and Hatchi arguing over whose fault their situation is)
  • [05:18] Conversation (going through things that they both find annoying – bathroom, toilet)
  • [06:48] Comedy (going through things that they both find annoying – bedroom, noise)
  • [08:02] Melancholy (going through things that they both find annoying – noise (continued), refrigerator, pajamas, laundry, online shopping, lighting)
  • [09:58] Crisis (Robby’s towel catches on fire)
  • [10:22] Unrest (Robby and Hatchi paint a separating line on the floor)
  • [11:01] Yang (Yang and his crew enjoy sukiyaki on Pinopendio)
  • [12:03] Miserable (Hatchi sneaks into the kitchen)
  • [12:39] Funny (cold war continues)
  • [13:54] Allo & Gras (Yang’s crew decides to go sightseeing)
  • [14:28] Freedom (Hatchi remembers how he got his pajamas)
  • [15:17] Emotion (Robby and Hatchi both sit on two sides of the wall)
  • [16:23] Allo & Gras (Yang’s Finance leaves Pinopendio)
  • [17:05] Hard fight (warp causes Hatchi’s candle to fall down and the wall catches on fire)
  • [18:16] Emotion (Robby returns Hatchi his pajamas)
  • [19:44] Freedom (Hatchi talks how he believes another unexpected event may happen)
  • [20:21] Suspense (at final checkpoint)
  • [20:47] Main theme (Nagaya Voyager cleared for passage)
  • [21:13] Yang (Yang waits at the Galaxy Police station, Luna Guard discovers Hatchi’s location)
  • [22:04] Wonderful land (first look at Isekandar)
  • [23:52] Main theme (next episode preview)


Hatchi: We’ve finally made it all this way, and because of you, now we can’t clear customs, can we?! After everything we went through to get here!

Robby: It’s your fault for not checking it out better ahead of time!
Hatchi: This goes back to you borrowing that money in the first place!
Ikku: Hey, now, you guys, this is no time to be arguing.
Robby: Like I said, I’ll pay it back after we get to Isekandar!
Hatchi: And now we’re screwed because we can’t get to Isekandar!
Robby: That’s because you didn’t look it up ahead of time!
Hatchi: No, it’s because you borrowed that money in the first place!
Robby: Like I said, I’ll pay it back after we get to Isekandar!
Hatchi: And now we’re screwed because we can’t get to Isekandar!
Robby: That’s because you didn’t look it up ahead of time!
Hatchi: No, it’s because you borrowed that money in the first place!
Ikku: Look guys, I think that’s enough… okay?
Robby: Like I said, I’ll pay it back after we get to Isekandar!
Hatchi: And now we’re screwed because we can’t get to Isekandar!

Ikku: Shut the hell up! Stop filling time repeating the same lines!
Hatchi: After you finish showering, don’t leave the water dripping everywhere! For that matter, clean up where you’re dripping! I hate finding mystery drops of water on the floor!

Robby: They’re my drops of water, right? Mystery solved!
Hatchi: There’s no telling which parts of you the water dripped from, is there?!
Robby: Is that what you’ve been imagining?
Hatchi: What I’m saying is that I don’t want to have to imagine it!
Robby: Well you take too long in the bathroom! Just where and how thoroughly are you washing yourself?
Hatchi: Is that what you’ve been imagining?!

Robby: I’m saying I don’t want to have to imagine it!
Ikku: Are you trying to burn down the spaceship?!

Robby: Don’t look at me!
Ikku: Why aren’t the sprinklers kicking in?!
Robby: Huh? Oh, I didn’t want to get soaked again, so I closed the main valve.

Ikku & Hatchi: You idiot!
Hatchi: You know, I’ve never had so many unexpected events, one after another. So maybe they might keep on happening—unexpected events. We’ve already come all this way. We have nothing to lose, so let’s press on and go for broke.

Robby: There’s something… different about you.
Hatchi: There is? If so, whose fault is that?

Robby: Yeah, whose fault indeed?

Trivia & References[edit]

This is the only episode which Robby, Hatchi and Ikku spend entirely on Nagaya Voyager.
Hinaga Junction – the transferring station planet between Galaxy and Isekandar Highway – is named after the Hinaga no Oiwake village, which served as a junction for Tōkaidō and Isekaidō.
Robby mentions how he wishes for a girl on Isekandar to clean his ears with a tool called mimikaki – this action can be considered a sign of romance of Japan. Knowing Robby, he might have also been thinking of erotic ear cleaning, which was an actual thing for a while – this would explain Hatchi’s indignant reaction.
Robby’s doll, Love-ko, played an integral role – as a drawing – in the Boueibu Battle-NaMa special events.
Robby’s sleeping issue – him stopping breathing for a few seconds – is an actual illness called sleep apnea. One of its symptoms is snoring, about which Hatchi also complains.
In Hizakurige, at some point of their journey Kita had his kimono stolen and Yaji bought him a new one so the other man had something to wear. The new kimono was blue and was said to be of poor quality. It’s probable this is reflected in Hatchi’s “tacky” blue pajamas given to him by Robby so he has something to sleep in.
Planet Pinopendio, visited by Yang and his crew, refers to Matsusaka – a stage station of Isekaidō. Nowadays, the city is famous for its beef. The name Matsusaka translates to pine slope in English – pinopendio is pine slope in Italian. Their Cotton Weaving Centre parodies the Matsusaka Cotton Centre and the Ossu! Yasujiro Seishunkan Museum – the Ozu Yasujirō Seishunkan Museum. Yasujiro Ozu was a film director famous for portraying families – which is very likely why Yang’s Finance took a photo of themselves as a family drinking tea together. The kettle visible at the bottom of the photo is a famous Ozu prop.
Nagaya Voyager is likely called after nagaya – a type of housing in the Edo period. These were also sometimes called yakeya (burning houses) due to their tendency to catch fire. Nagaya Voyager catching on fire twice during this episode is probably a nod to this.
Ikku’s poem is a haikai – probably a nod to the kyōka poems featured in the original Hizakurige.
Contrary to the characters having to go through a last checkpoint to reach Isekandar, the Ise Shrine (which Isekandar parodies) was considered a sanctuary and no security checkpoints were conducted.
In this episode it’s revealed in exact numbers how high Robby’s debt is: 20 million mon with accumulated interest 1,254,316 mon.
Though this episode happens after the fifth drama CD, Yang’s Finance group is only now shown doing things that technically already happened during the drama CD.
Staff notes for the episode:

Opening: A space journey with two men in a cramped spaceship. Their pent-up stress now explodes! Life aboard the Nagaya Voyager is also revealed.

Ending: After the long wait, they’ve finally arrived! The far end of space, Isekandar. Will Robby be able to find the fortune-bringing Akafucrystals?



  1. A type of hot pot dish, usually containing sliced beef. An article about sukiyaki