Stage Station Planet

From Umatani Fan Wiki
Stage station planets on the Galaxy Highway.
Stage station planets on the Galaxy Highway.

A stage station planet is a planet located on a Highway in space, where travelers can rest on their journey and/or refuel, and perform repairs of their spacecrafts. There are 53 stage station planets on the Galaxy Highway. In addition, there are eight stage station planets on the Isekandar Highway.
Multiple (if not the majority of) stage station planets developed their tourist industry in hopes of attracting visitors. This phenomenon is so prevalent that there are even special applications which will suggest the best suited stage station planet to visit based either on the tourist's personality or, if traveling with more people, on the group dynamics.
Below is a list of planets along the Galaxy Highway. While the names of only a few are revealed in the show proper as well as drama CDs, all names are listed in the fourth volume's booklet and some merchandise. Those with number before their names officially have the status of a stage station planet.

Number Planet Notes
0 Earth Starting point
x Mars Formerly known for being inhabited by octopuses
x Pluto A planet of dreams and romance (actually a planetoid)
1 Nimoy (ニモイ)
2 Rioantes (リオアンテス)
3 Los Goddess (ロスゴッデス)
4 Groundnut (グラウンドナット)
5 Tottuka (トッツーカ) Known for its relay races
6 Wisteria (ウィステリア)
7 Hiramound (ヒラマウンド)
8 OhIsso (オーイッソ) Known for its beach resort
9 Odawarla (オダワーラ) Known for being an ocean planet
10 Haccone (ハッコーネ) Known for its hot springs
Galaxy Highway Checkpoint No.1 (Haccone Gateway)
11 TresIsla (トレスイスラ) Known for its suspended bridge
12 Marshy (マーシー)
13 Campo (カンポ)
14 Redlight (レッドライト)
15 Kama (カーマ)
16 Youee (ユーイー)
17 Kozoo (コーズー)
18 Bumbum (ブーブー)
19 Futube (フーチューベ)
20 Marico (マリコ)
21 Okkabe (オッカベ)
22 Fugeeda (フジェーダ)
23 Sheemardar (シーマーダー)
24 Orvalley (オールバリー)
25 Hisark (ヒサーク)
26 Multiply (マルティプライ) Known for its theme park with flowers and birds
27 Bagwell (バッグウェル)
28 Watchtower (ウォッチタワー)
29 Hamama II (ハママⅡ) Known for its eels and dumplings
30 Danceserker (ダンスサーカー)
31 Newhome (ニューホーム)
32 Arenablanco (アレナブランコ)
33 Dosrios (ドスリオス)
34 Yossyda (ヨッシーダ)
35 Go-You (ゴーユー)
36 Akka Sakka (アッカ・サッカ) Known for its amusement park
37 Fujiriver (フジリバー)
38 Zakioka (ザキオカ)
39 Chiryu (チリュウ)
40 Seasound (シーサウンド)
41 Palace (パレス)
42 Mulberry 7 (マルベリーセベン) Known for its clams
x Mulberry 8 (マルベリー8) Known for its mecha inhabitants
43 Yokkamarché (ヨッカマルシェ) An industrial planet not known for anything tourist-wise
x Hinaga Junction (ヒナガ・ジャンクション) Where the Isekandar Highway splits off from
44 Dispenser (ディスペンサー)
46 Showno (シューノ)
46 Tortuga (トルトゥーガ)
47 Interés (インテレス)
48 Debajo de Saka (デバホ・デ・サカ)
49 Tuttiyama (トゥッティヤマ)
50 Mizuboca (ミズボッカ)
51 Piedra (ピエドラ)
52 Kussartu (クッサートゥ)
53 Puertogrande (プエルとグランデ)
Final Stop Trespuente (トレスプエンテ)

In addition, one planet was briefly mentioned as the seventeenth stage station planet on the Sunlight Highway: Utsunomiya.
