1.02 Love Means Never Feeling Regret

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1.02 Love Means Never Feeling Regret
Love Means Never Feeling Regret
Kana 愛とはけして後悔しないこと
Romaji Ai towa Keshite Koukaishinai Soto
English Love Means Never Feeling Regret
Episode # LOVE! Season One Episode Two
First Aired January 13, 2015
Screenplay Michiko Yokote
Storyboard Masao Okubo
Director Masao Okubo
Chief Animation Director Yumiko Hara
Animation Director Nao Kawashima
Assistant Animation Director
Location(s) Binan High School
Binan High School's Student Council Room
The Earth Defense Club's Room
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Binan High School[edit]

Student Council Room[edit]

Lord Zundar sitting in a teacup.

Kinshirou, Ibushi, and Akoya are drinking tea in the student council room. A hologram of the Battle Lovers from the previous episode is projected above the table as Lord Zundar starts the discussion of world conquest. It is revealed the Battle Lovers' identities are obscured with pixelated faces and pitch-shifted voices.

The student council looking at Lord Zundar.

Club Room[edit]

En brings up the topic of forests disappearing to make disposable chopsticks. The Defense Club discusses chopsticks, before talking about what it means to be a Battle Lover. Because they don't care enough about being Battle Lovers, none of the club members care to remember the actual terminology.
Ryuu points out that Mr. Tawarayama has been quiet, which shocks Wombat into saying the man will rot and running over to him. When Wombat is within a certain range of Mr. Tawarayama, the teacher will be resurrected. Wombat reveals that the other day when Yumoto was chasing him, the teacher tripped over him and fell down the stairs, leading to his death.

Yumoto trying to convince Wombat to cuddle him.

Yumoto says Wombat can cuddle him to make up for causing Mr. Tawarayama's death, but Wombat insists that he wants them all to transform into the Battle Lovers again, until the Earth is filled with love. The club members discuss what love is.


Wario Hashida sitting in the cafeteria.

The student council watches Wario Hashida get upset over breaking chopsticks. They transform into Caerula Adamas and turn Wario into the Chopsticks Monster.

Atsushi and En in their Battle Lover outfits, after almost revealing Yumoto's identity.





Kinshirou: Those who are negligent in etiquette will be negligent in all things. Lifestyle, academics, self-respect...
Lord Zundar: Now, rulers of this blue world. Members of the noble Caerula Adamas. Let us begin the executive meeting for the Total Conquest of Earth's Lifeforms Project.
Yumoto: When I think of disposable chopsticks getting boiled down, I think of what my bro Gora taught me... "Menma[1] is just recycled disposable chopsticks."
Ryuu: Oh, he's an idiot.
En: Love Battlers, Bust Lovers... They're both embarrassing, so what's the difference?

Wombat: Battle Lovers is a venerable and noble title!
Ryuu: Can't be, it's English.
Io: At least be consistent about whether you're an alien or a foreigner.

Ryuu: So inconsistent.

Trivia & References[edit]

Lord Zundar is from Planet Evil.
Ibushi cuts his tea cake asymmetrically, foreshadowing Wario's obsession with symmetry.
Wombat: This individual is dead, but he is also alive.

Atsushi: What's with the Schrodinger reference?

This is a reference to the Schrodinger's cat thought experiment.[2]
Kinshirou: Aurum!

Ibushi: Argentum!
Akoya: Perla!
Caerula Adamas: Donum!

Caerula Adamas is Latin for Blue Diamond, and their chant here is "Gold, silver, pearl, present." There is a Japanese brand of washing soap called Buru Diyaa, and their slogan is "Gold, silver, pearl, present" (kin gin peeru puresento).[3]