Neo-Tokyo is a coastal metropolis in Japan, vast both in size and population. It has a modern infrastructure, with several platforms and buildings placed on top of them seen floating over the city, and the traffic takes the form of both ground transportation and airborne ships flying over the buildings on set courses. While the city is seemingly populated majorly by humans, aliens can also be seen walking the streets, likely tourists and those who decided to move to Earth.
Neo-Tokyo seems to depict a more technologically advanced version of real Tokyo. Two famous landmarks, the Tokyo Tower and Tokyo SkyTree, can be also seen in the panoramas of Neo-Tokyo. It can be assumed Neo-Tokyo similarly has the status of Japan’s capital. This claim can be further backed up by the fact the Moon embassy is located in this city, and embassies are usually in the capital city. Neo-Tokyo is also the home to Dontsu’s headquarters;[1] Yang’s Finance’s office, if not headquarters; and was where Robby chose to live after running away from home.
- ↑ Dentsu, which Dontsu is a parody of, is also headquartered in Tokyo.