
From Umatani Fan Wiki

Program RobiHachiRadi
Airing April 6 2019 to
December 28 2019
Hosts Keisuke Koumoto
Subaru Kimura
Shinnosuke Tokudome
Episodes 39
Link link{{{

RobiHachiRadi is a radio program accompanying the anime RobiHachi, with Keisuke Koumoto (voice of Hatchi Kita), Subaru Kimura (voice of Allo) and Shinnosuke Tokudome (voice of Gras) as the hosts. It started airing on April 6 2019 and ran for 39 weeks, with one episode broadcast weekly until December 28 2019. The program was aired via Radio Osaka every Saturday at 23:30 (local time) and was also available for listening online through radiko and Radio Cloud.
All 39 radio auditions were released on audio DVD (meaning there is audio playing, but the only visual is the cover illustration), first sold during a dedicated event RobiHachiRadi Finale Party on February 9 2020. They were also archived on Radio Cloud.


Each audition was roughly 30 minutes long and was divided into several recurring corners:

Cover of the DVD release.
  1. Futsuota (ふつおた)[1]
A section dedicated to impressions of the anime, messages and questions to the cast.
  1. Yang’s Mail (ヤンズメール)
A section dedicated to messages with “money” theme.
  1. Q&Bad Luck (Q&BAD LUCK)
A section dedicated to unlucky episodes which happened to the listeners. The hosts would be asked questions and blurt out answers until the original story was blurred. This section is an ogiri segment – meaning the questions asked by the host have a twist to them.
  1. A corner where something interesting is likely to happen (何か面白いことが起こりそうなコーナー)
A section in which the hosts would do challenges sent in by the listeners in hopes of being surprised with something, just like Hatchi is always hoping for something unexpected to happen.
  1. A corner left open no matter how the anime develops (アニメの展開がどうなってもいいように空けとくコーナー)
A section for anything; since RobiHachi was an original anime, it was not known what would happen next. This corner was left for free discussions about key themes or words from the anime or predictions about the further events.


  1. Short for 普通のお便り futsū no otayori which translates to “ordinary letter”.