1.01 More Than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!

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1.01 More Than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
More than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
Issue 1 More than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
Kana も~、びっくり!?タローの変身?
1月号 も~、びっくり!?タローの変身?
Romaji Mou, Bikkuri!? Tarou no Henshin?
1 Getsugou Mou, Bikkuri!? Tarou no Henshin?
English More than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
Issue 1 More than Shocking! Taro's Transformation!
Episode # Moh Scientific Season One Episode One
First Aired January 11, 2024
Screenplay Hiroko Kanasugi
Storyboard Michiko Yokote
Director Norio Nitta
Chief Animation Director
Animation Director Yuri Abe
Taka Sato
Pu-rao Lee
Assistant Animation Director
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Monthly Moso Science is a magazine that deals with mysterious phenomena that cannot be explained by science. The three people working in the editorial department are Taro J. Suzuki, who dreams of retiring from work to be a full-time househusband; Jiro Tanaka, a slightly cheeky boy with a high IQ; and Saburo, a dog. One day, Goro Sato, a researcher at the Science Research Institute, shows up to ask about his research, but Taro sees "something" behind Goro. As a matter of fact, Goro believes in the existence of the legendary continent of Mo, and continued to research it despite certain obstacles. Something extraordinary happens to Taro when he comes into contact with an artifact...


Most City[edit]

Goro exits a trolley and bumps into a man after being barked at by a dog. He's looking for an address on a piece of paper. After a bout of foot pain, he walks by the Central Ward Business Center.

Moment Marriage[edit]

Taro is trying to convince Nancy to update his dating profile with a fancy, misleading picture of him. He explains that he wants to marry a career-oriented woman so he doesn't have to work anymore. Nancy kicks him out of her office.

Taro then bumps into Goro in the street and falls. However, he's taken aback by a demonic-looking entity emanating from Goro's backpack. Goro is ignorant to his fear, and calmly asks for directions. Taro manages to run away, but realizes something about where Goro was headed.

Iwaro Building[edit]

Goro goes to the second floor of the building to find someone, but finds a sign that says to go to the cafe on the first floor, table six. Regardless, he goes into the office and knocks a stack of books and paper over.

Cafe Rock[edit]

Jiro hears the sound of the crash and asks the cafe owner, Rock, if he heard anything. He then muses that he's bored and wishes something fun would happen. Goro enters the cafe, only to be barked at by Saburo. Jiro calls him off, and asks what his business is.
Goro infantilizes Jiro when he explains he's there to see the editorial for Monthly Moso Science, causing the latter to be annoyed. Taro then enters, and is still terrified of the evil entity that's tied to Goro. He runs off to throw up in the bathroom. Jiro follows him to ask what the matter is, and gains interest in the situation.
Jiro gives Goro a menu to order something at the cafe while they discuss what brought him here, and insists that he stop being treated as a child. While waiting for his order of a cream soda, Goro tries out a fortune-telling machine and gets an unlucky fortune.
Goro explains the legend of the Mo Continent, home to the Motarians, who were a society that ruled over the world with advanced technology until the entire continent sank into the sea. He says he found one of the MOParts, and wrote a hefty paper on the Mo Continent, which his laboratory's board of directors rejected. Goro says that if the magazine publishes his paper, he'll show them the MOPart, which he has with him.
Taro kicks Goro out of the cafe in fear after he tries to show him the MOPart. However, he hadn't paid for his drink, and left behind his research paper. Saburo whines, and Jiro interprets this as a plea to heal Taro, which Jiro refuses.

As Goro leaves the cafe, he's watched by some shady figures and a set of twins.

Back in the cafe, Jiro reads through Goro's paper. Taro is strongly against publishing it in the magazine. Saburo brings them the newspaper from Rock, and Jiro finds an article that says Goro was hit by a car that run a red light, but was saved by his backpack.
Taro receives a phone call from Catherine, the magazine's editor-in-chief, who somehow knows about the Mo Continent story and insists they run it. After she hangs up, the phone rings again. Jiro picks up, and finds Goro on the other end in a panic. The call is cut short, and an explosion follows. Jiro, Taro, and Saburo exit the cafe to see a large cloud of black smoke coming from Science Laboratories.

Science Laboratories[edit]

The trio runs to Science Laboratories, but isn't allowed in by a police officer. They go off to the side and find a dumpster they can use to boost over the wall. They find a crater in the ground that's still smoking.
Goro finds them, but he's being chased by a large crowd of men in trench coats, trelby hats, and sunglasses. They run away from him, but Goro catches up and ends up causing them to fall to the ground due to the pain from his corns. Jiro finds there's no other way, so he heals Goro's feet.
The trio hides in a rundown shed and figure out the men are probably after the MOPart. However, their discussion is cut short as two of the men use a front loader to tear down the wall.
Taro wants them to hand over the MOPart, but Goro refuses. The men use the loader to launch the group into the air. Goro makes a grab for the MOPart, but in doing so hits Taro in the face with it.
The MOPart changes from a crystalline form to part of a stone tablet with a purple gem as Taro transforms into a tiger man. He enters a rage-induced state and destroys the front loader, in addition to throwing it at the other men and attacking them with his claws, as well as uprooting a tree.
The twins from earlier, Noin and Perch, look on, surprised that there is a Motarian. They leave to inform their boss.
Taro transforms back into a human with the stone tablet on the ground next to him.

White Pegasus Headquarters[edit]

Noin and Perch report to their boss, who says not to catch the Motarian but to wait, as he has an idea.

Cafe Rock[edit]

The next day, Taro is in pain, and has no memory of the battle or transforming into a tiger man. Goro enters to give his thanks, and states that he's joining the Monthly Moso Science editorial staff.





Narrator: It's said that there are mysterious powers in this world that modern science still cannot explain...
Nancy: Taro J. Suzuki. 28 years old. Occupation: part-time magazine editor. His ideal match is someone with a job. Wants to marry and start a family, with an aim toward becoming a dedicated househusband, "heart mark."
Taro: Exactly!
Jiro: Hey, Taro, did you see something scary with him?
Taro: Scary doesn't begin to describe it! I bet he's got really nasty karma from a past life, like from trying to annihilate humanity, or something!
Goro: MOParts! Mysterious artifacts believed to come from the Mo Continent! Upon examination, they were clearly made from unknown elements with an unidentified atomic structure, but the real shocker is that they seemed to have been mentioned in some of the material that I had seen that referenced the Mo Continent!

Trivia & References[edit]

The headquarters for Monthly Moso Science are located in Most City, 1 Morinakaro Moriderasagaru, on the second floor of the Iwaro Building.
Goro's fortune reads:

Super Bad

Oh man, you're in big, big, biiiiiiiiig trouble!
All literature Goro could find about the Mo Continent in Most City is incomplete or has been edited as though someone is trying to hide the truth.
The current month's issue of Monthly Moso Science is number 23, and its cover story is "The Man-Faced Fish, Discovered!" There is also an article with the title "Infiltrating the Tsuchinoko's Palace!"
Goro's research paper is titled "The Relationship Between the New Element and the Existence of the Mo Continent."
Catherine smokes from a hookah.[1]